Trump’s Daunting Tangle with Fate

On November 3, 2020, US Election Day, President Trump was facing a series of powerful planetary Transits across his natal planetary placements. Examination of Transit vs, natal placements helps the professional astrologer make assessments about the life of the native. Using this method, the careful observer can see clearly what is taking place even if the client is unaware of many dimensions of potential. Observation of Donald Trump’s dynamic experiences relative to planetary motion can give us a dramatic example of many principals of astrological interpretation.

The birth data for this reading is Jun 14th 1946, 10:14am, Jamaica, NY

Summary of Trump’s Astrological Moment

The combination of very powerful planetary influences on Trump’s life is phenomenal, challenging him with a living example of a personal force majeure and manifesting a spectrum of challenges. A person with this combination of challenges would be well-advised to be very flexible, to heed the warnings that life is presenting, and prepare for a long slog through some profoundly challenging times. The potential shown in this reading of influences and the associated events do not seem to favor Trump’s re-election, or his many enterprises, for that matter.  The outcome of all of this will be very instructive His situation is quite clearly reveals the direct relationship between life experiences and planetary placement at birth and planetary motion throughout life.  This assessment has not utilized many dimensions of astrological technique, but it is sufficient to help the reader gain access to some of the real story-behind-the-story. Below you will find evaluations of his natal horoscope and planetary positions on Election Day 2020.

There are additional topics that merit further of research and discussion. Among the most transparent of them, is the fact that Mercury was stationary and about to go direct, precisely on the Election date itself. When Mercury is stationary, it’s nearly impossible for communication to be delivered. Hence we have the themes of whether mail would be delivered, whether some ballots would be counted or excluded. Given Mercury’s stationary position, how could the results of the election be immediately known? Any astrologer looking at the election day chart would confidently state the election’s outcome would not be revealed promptly.  Other topics planned for examination includes the Horoscope of Joe Biden, and if time permits, relationships of the Natal Horoscopes of both candidates to the US Sibley Birth Chart.

Below is a chart of Trump’s Natal Horoscope inside the horoscope of Election Day itself.
Above we show a “biwheel” featuring his birth in the inside wheel, and the current Transits on Election Day 2020 on the outer wheel.
There are a many elements worth examining here. First we will comment about his natal horoscope. This will be followed by an examination of the current positions of planets on and after Election Day 2020.

Natal Horoscope Details

In his every horoscope we find some planetary positions known to astrologers as “critical degrees” because they represent sensitive places in the zodiac for the native. Trump’s configurations can help us unpack and reveal his personality. The notable players: Sun and Moon are ~180 degrees “Opposed,” at 20 and 21 degrees Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. Sun and Mars are 60-degrees apart, “Sextile.” His Saturn and Venus are found Conjoined at 23 and 25 Cancer. His Ascendant is found at 29 Leo. Uranus and Jupiter are in a tight Trine (~120 degrees) at 17 degrees Gemini-Libra. Mercury and Neptune are Square (90-degrees) at 8 Cancer, and 5 degrees Libra. Mercury at 8 Cancer and Pluto at 10 Leo are Semi-sextile at a ~30-degree relationship. Mars appears directly on the eastern horizon, his “Ascendant,” in the Twelveth House.

Sun Moon Opposition

Imbalance between the masculine and feminine sides of the personality. Sun Moon Opposition often connotes a battle between the parents and the native may have a hard time “living within one’s skin.” Ego and emotions are out of balance, empathy is missing where assertion is in play. The native is found amidst an internal battle, and this leads to indecisiveness or instability.

Sun Sextile Mars

The native exhibits a forceful and adventurous expression of initiative.

Saturn Venus Conjoined

The native who has this configuration faces challenges with the ability to make commitments. Saturn’s diminishing effect forestalls what the native desires, and results can elude the native. IF but only if the native continues to work hard to obtain what they seek, it comes slowly, and solidly. The absence or presence of loyalty is a major theme.

Uranus Jupiter Trine

Overflowing, erratic energy abounds. Non-conformism, avoidance of restrictions and pursuit of alternatives, featuring sudden changes of direction.

Mercury Neptune Square

Difficulty with discernment, as though driving in a heavy fog. Language usage is confusing or deceptive. Challenges telling the difference between facts and realities vs fantasy and illusion.

Mercury Pluto Semisextile

Forceful expression, often volcanic, threatening or angry. Ambitious.

Twelveth House Mars on Ascendant

Twelfth House planetary placements connote the soul must “pay a price” for past actions, perhaps from past lives. Since Mars expresses personal power, the Twelveth House placement shows this power is diluted. Emotional outbursts and confusion about a sense of direction are typical of a Twelveth House Mars. Mars in Leo is powerfully driven to express creativity and dramatic or arrogant behavior may ensue.

Leo at 29 degrees on Ascendant

When Leo is on the Eastern horizon at birth, we find a person who demands and craves respect. Life appears to be a grand demonstration and projection of nearly unlimited largess. The native is the dominant personality in most any setting.

The 29th degree is of particular importance, especially when the ascendant appears at this degree. The native is prone to having problems making decisions, due to vacillation, confusion, and impulsiveness. Overcompensation, a general air of crisis accompanies the native. Ascendant at 29 degrees is considered debilitating.

Donald Trump in his frequent arms-crossed posture.

Trump Election Day Transits

Transit Mars Sextile Natal Uranus

As Mars moves through, “Transiting” the sky, it expresses as a triggering force when it meets the “critical degree” where any planet was positioned at birth.  Uranus is the planet associated to surprises, change, and unexpected developments. Here, we have Transit Mars at 15 Aries making Aspect to Uranus at 17 Gemini. The election experience connotes the emergence of a surprise to Trump in many areas. Trump’s natal Uranus is in the Tenth House, which is his public role. Transit mars moves quickly, so by December 4th, 2020 Mars meets Trump’s Uranus exactly. This triggering effect typical of Mars should be observed at that time.

Transit Mars Opposed Natal Jupiter

Transit Mars, the Trigger and Natal Jupiter, the planet of abundance are opposed on this date. The opposition is often characterized with challenges in keeping a steady course, because Jupiter always wants to launch off and embrace new horizons. Meanwhile, opposing Mars in the Eighth House of chaos, life/death, and emotional potential says: “Wait, there are some deep issues that you have to face.” This is a brief Transit, but when a person has mars opposing natal Jupiter it is common that the emotions overheat and conflict is more likely.

Transit Jupiter Quincunx Natal Sun

Since Jupiter is regarded as a benefic planet, any Aspect to another planet may yield positive developments. The native has big plans to expand his horizons but is faced with a series of barriers. A person with this Transit would be advised to maintain his composure rather than bullying their way through, when facing these challenges.

Transit Jupiter within 1 degree Quincunx to Natal Moon’s Nodes

Jupiter involves ambition and the desire to expand. The Nodes are the gateways of the entire matrix of astrological influences, so any Aspect to the Nodes is powerful and significant. Trump’s South Node in Sagittarius expresses optimism and connotes broad vision. However, his North Node in Gemini means he is required to change his style and reach a point where he can lighten up and abstain from always pursuing huge objectives. It’s a “take time to stop and smell the roses” and “be satisfied with the little things” lifetime objective. Quincunx (~150 degrees) Jupiter raises the issue of this need to attain this requirement. Since Jupiter appears Semi-sextile to the South Node, Trump chooses to avoid the surrender of his grand plans and continues pursuing them come what may.

Transit Jupiter Opposed Natal Venus

Jupiter Opposing Venus is another generally positive Aspect, suggesting attractiveness and an optimistic air. On the other hand, in order to support attractiveness and optimism commitment is necessary. There’s the rub, because when Jupiter and Venus are opposed, the potential exists for the native to be uncommitted and tempted towards seeking other horizons. In fact, given the host of potential financial, tax, and legal woes, it is not surprising that Trump demonstrates lack of commitment to the nation to which he is wedded as President, but to his own needs and agendas.

Transit Jupiter Opposed Natal Saturn

Serious Natal Saturn prefers to take a cautious approach, but with Jupiter Opposing, caution and conventional solutions are thrown to the wind. Old patterns and systems are challenged. Trump’s complete rejection of the notion that he should concede Biden’s victory in the election and continued pursuit of his own ambition are exemplified in this Aspect.

Transit Saturn Opposed Natal Venus

Saturn in Transit is always a testing agent, examining the legitimacy or falsehood of currently-existing orientations and approaches. When the current orientation is appropriate, Saturn can reward. When it is not appropriate, Saturn can punish through creating challenges, endings, and declines. Trump’s natal Venus at Cancer 25 in the Eleventh House shows a familial connection with the masses through his own sense of who are his people, which in today’s narrative is his “base.” Saturn in Opposition comes with profound challenges because in Saturn’s view, the proper role of Cancer is nurturing and empathetic, but Trump proves to be divisive and aloof. The aspect shows that something that Trump wants is going to be denied him.

Transit Saturn Quincunx Natal Mars

Saturn is always associated to slowing things down, constraint, or even stopping or ending. Natal Mars is associated to getting started and dynamic energy. Here, Saturn plays the role of being a limiter, putting the brakes on ambition and initiative, while sending the Native back to the drawing board. This Transit is relatively exact, and it likely has long-term effects. In fairy-tale analogy, strong guards block the castle gate and will not admit but rather, return the candidate who has not completed the assigned tasks to go and complete them before he can gain access.

Transit Saturn Opposed Natal Saturn

Here, Saturn is asking whether the homework is ready to be turned in. Transit Saturn in Opposition is a powerful force that reminds us of the expression: “The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.”  Transit Saturn Opposing natal Saturn weighs and measures the native’s life and sees the incomplete work, hampers or stops the Native, and says: “You have to get back to the task. What has been done so far is not sufficient yet.”  Since Saturn is very serious about the TRUTH, in this Transit, we can see that this represents a crucial opportunity for growth at the deepest levels. Whether Trump takes advantage of the opportunities presented in this demand to re-calibrate or resists will prove be a true and very public test of his mettle.

Transit Uranus Sextile Natal Mercury

Transit Uranus in relationship with Natal Mercury generally yields surprise in the realm of communication. The native’s expression is very active, often full of surprises and may easily contradict itself in erratic and unexpected ways. Rather than exhibiting gently-flowing communication , the currents lurch too and fro, while new ideas and expressions abound. This is a relatively long-term transit also, so the impact of this will last through the entire period between Election day and the Inauguration.

Transit Uranus Square Natal Pluto

Transit Uranus brings sudden change, and Natal Pluto is concerned with power itself. This is one of the most powerful indicators of a personal crisis. The experience is like having an earthquake that triggers an explosion. Unintended consequences abound in this energy, as the core attachment to Power is upset by extreme and unpredictable, relentless forces. This is a very long-term Transit and has profound implications for Trump.

Transit Neptune Square Natal Sun and Moon

Neptune is associated with dissolve, deception, and lack of clarity. It’s also associated to the potential for spiritual revelation, which may not be interpreted accurately due to clarity challenges. Sun and Moon are Opposed at Trump’s birth as the Moon approaches Full.  As we mentioned above, the Native with Sun-Moon Opposed has issues balancing the Masculine and Feminine and may be a conflicted person with trouble living comfortably in his life due to emotional imbalance.  Neptune in Square can be an influence that can defeat and dissolve any enterprise. A person who is living amidst this Aspect’s payload is guaranteed to face a daunting personal challenge at a very high degree of intensity. Self-confidence erodes, options seem to vanish like so many mirages. The hoped-for result is that individual’s awareness of the meaning of life is reset on a more deeply spiritual and holistic level. A negative approach to this Transit is indulgence. Indulgence could be in the form of substance abuse, but it can also take the form of delusional and paranoid interpretation of events, people, and circumstances.

Transit Neptune Quincunx Natal Jupiter

Here, the dissolving force of Neptune affects Jupiter, which is associated to Trumps ambitions, aspirations, and self-perception. Trump faces a slow-burn reduction of his ability to exercise his big plans and goals. Haze and confusion envelops targets that were once clear. As with all Neptune Transits, a potential for a spiritual awakening and deepening is present, but the clarity that should be demonstrated by achieving awakened awareness does not appear until Neptune has completed its visit. This is a long-term Transit.

Transit Neptune Trine Natal Saturn

Neptune’s dissolving expression meets Saturn’s sense of material and substantial coalescence here. For many of us, Idealism and Reality can be very different, but in this Transit, they must come to terms. In order to attain this harmony, some behaviors, resources, relationships, or roles may be attained or lost during this Transit. If these are out of accord with the ultimate objective to deepen the soul’s greater purpose, generally the Native will experience having to “Let go and let God.” This is a serious, long-term Transit.

Transit Neptune Square Natal Uranus

Here, the dissolving force of Neptune is squaring Natal Uranus, the planet generally associated to a person’s uniqueness, distinctions and ability to generate change. It has the effect of undermining the Native’s individuality and their sense of confidence and uniqueness. It’s action is somewhat like the so-called “water torture,” where a single repetitive dripping of ice-cold water is directed upon the victim’s scalp, breaking down his resistance while forcing him to yield to forces he cannot overcome. This is a very powerful and significant indicator that Trump loses control of the narrative and must face dimensions he has ignored or avoided.

Transit Neptune Square Natal Moon’s Nodes

In this Transit, Neptune is challenging Trump by undermining the very premise upon which he has been operating. Trump faces a loss of control on many fronts, not only political. This can be a very confusing experience for the native. The narrative that “this is a campaign in which he is fighting for his very life” is an apt reflection of the profound effect of Neptune making Aspect to the Moon’s Nodes. Neptune slowly but surely breaks down artifice, in pursuit of a re-calibration on a higher level of authenticity.

Transit Pluto Quincunx Natal Sun

Here we have Pluto, with a reputation for explosive and totally transforming effects making Aspect to Trump’s Sun, his primary direction. A time of power struggles is at hand. This Transit challenges all aspects of Trumps power and confidence. A rebirth is called for, one where new and exciting opportunities may supersede what he has been doing. He is called upon to surrender control.  If he can’t or won’t surrender, things don’t turn out well for him. Much talk is made of Trump’s many options, given the election results that show Biden winning the Presidency. But to realize any of the opportunities this transformation may yield, surrender precedes reconstitution.

Transit Pluto Opposed Natal Venus

Pluto, the Transformer sometimes shocks the native into awakening. Venus is associated to a person’s values, and what they seek or love. Venus expresses what a person wants and desires in their life. Trump’s capacity to connect to his longed-for and much-desired “base” is likely thwarted under this Transit. Pluto wants to see reclamation and augmentation, not of mere trivial desires, but demands a total reset towards legitimate values and commitment when Opposing Venus. Since Venus is associated to finance and possessions, it is not surprising that in this time, we note considerable emphasis on Trump’s financial obligations, debts, potential lawsuits, and other financial and potential legal challenges. Additionally, the notion that his marriage may be in jeopardy is possible with Venus facing Opposition by Pluto.

Transit Pluto Opposed Natal Saturn

Here, Transit Pluto expresses great power in regard to Trump’s commitments obligations, and responsibilities. Pluto in Opposition here can be like a volcanic eruption, bringing rapidly changing circumstances which may require many features of Trumps life to come to an end, since Saturn is often associated to terminations and cessations. Pluto comes with full force, blows the cover off any pretense and makes reality known. It’s an uncomfortable position to be the recipient of challenge at this level. Resistance proves to be futile in the face of Pluto’s relentless demand for awakening, but if a person resists, harm can ensue.